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Paxful - P2P-платформ для торговли биткоинами

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Сайт - https://paxful.com/ru



Solving Crypto’s Scalability Issue: What Is Layer 2?

Don’t you just hate it when you get stuck in traffic, especially when you’re in a hurry? At times like these, you’ll begin to wonder just how many roads there are to actually serve thousands of cars and commuters every day. Interestingly, this dilemma has a counterpart in the cryptocurrency world, known as the scalability issue.

This occurs when a blockchain network reaches certain capacity limitations. You can think of it as vehicle traffic building up because of the congested roads. In the case of crypto, it’s when many people are trying to transact at the same time. As for a solution, there’s this thing called Layer 2 that aims to solve the scalability problem in the crypto space. But what really is this scalability issue and how can Layer 2 network set it right? Let’s find out.

The blockchain scalability problem in a nutshell
If you’re going to take a quick look at the market capitalization of cryptocurrencies today, you’d be surprised to discover the number of people that may have actually gotten their hands on these coins—no matter the purpose. At the time of writing (January 25, 2022), Bitcoin (BTC) has already reached a market cap of over 686.21 billion USD, while Ethereum (ETH) has over 286.55 billion USD.

These huge numbers only prove that more and more people are starting to explore different cryptos. And the more transactions there are to complete, the busier the blockchain network becomes. This is where the scalability issue comes into play.

Let’s take the Ethereum network, for example. On the Ethereum blockchain, high demands translate to slower transaction speeds and almost non-sustainable ETH gas prices. The same goes for Bitcoin’s blockchain, which needs to cope with the influx of many transactions at a time.

To increase the network’s operational efficiency and better improve its processes, a Layer 2 scalability solution was developed.

What are blockchain layers and how do they work?
If the road congestion is the so-called scalability issue, additional access roads and streets will be Layer 2. This is the term used to call the solutions created and designed to help better scale a blockchain network.

Earlier, we mentioned that the transaction speed and processes might be slower and transaction costs can get higher when a network gets intensely busy. These problems are what Layer 2 tries to clear out. To help you better understand how Layer 2 works, let’s first talk about the layer that comes before it—Layer 1.

Layer 1
In the crypto space, Layer 1 or the main chain is the standard or base consensus layer. This is where almost all transactions take place and are settled. Examples include the Bitcoin network, Ethereum network, and other crypto networks. You can think of it as the highway where nearly all cars and other vehicles heading in a specific direction pass through.

When the volume of cars increases, the problem begins as traffic builds up. The same goes for transactions that enter and are completed in the blockchain network—hence, the need for scaling solutions.

Some Layer 1 scaling solutions include consensus protocol improvements, where you might encounter the terms Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) more often. The other one is called sharding, where the entire blockchain network is broken up into distinct datasets called “shards.”

If a network calls for a bigger number of transactions completed per second or lower fees—or perhaps, both—Layer 2 solutions can be another good option.

Layer 2
Layer 2 is simply another layer built on top of Layer 1. The good thing about it is that it doesn’t need to make any changes to Layer 1, which means that the base layer won’t have any interruptions or alterations to its systems and processes. The goal of Layer 2 is to help boost the capability of Layer 1 by handling transactions off-chain.

This means the Layer 2 solution must be able to offload the work, reduce the overall congestion, and avoid single points of failure. By doing so, transaction speeds and user experience won’t be compromised but rather run smoothly and securely—just like how it should actually operate.

Digging deeper into Layer 2 scaling solutions
Ideally, a blockchain network would be able to handle an unlimited number of transactions per second. This is referred to as throughput or TPS. However, if we’re going to have a quick look at how crypto networks are doing today, processing an infinite number of transactions is still so far from being a reality.

The Bitcoin main chain can run around 3 to 7 TPS—figures that are way too far from Visa’s approximately 20,000 TPS. On the flip side, Bitcoin’s network is undeniably more secure, given that it is decentralized and every transaction must be approved, mined, distributed, and confirmed by multiple nodes or a blockchain infrastructure’s data keepers.

To increase the speed and efficiency of the network, while keeping its reliable security and integrity, Layer 2 scaling solutions were developed. These include:

State channels
State channels use multi-signature contracts to facilitate fast transactions off-chain and finalize them with the main chain. This reduces the congestion in the network, transaction fees, and processing delays.

This is an independent blockchain compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and runs in parallel to the main chain. It works with Ethereum via two-way bridges and operates under its own consensus and block parameters.

These execute transactions outside the main chain and post the data to Layer 1 when consensus is reached. Rollups have two types: ZK-rollups and optimistic rollups.

The zero-knowledge (ZK) rollups gather or roll-up hundreds of transactions off-chain and create a succinct non-interactive argument knowledge (SNARK). With ZK-rollups, only validity proof is needed instead of transaction data. This makes it faster and cheaper to validate a block.

Optimistic rollups, on the other hand, don’t do any computation but propose the new state to the main chain or “notarize” the transaction. Computation is the expensive part of using Ethereum, making optimistic rollups ideal for reducing gas costs.

This is designed for the Ethereum network and is built using smart contracts and Merkle Trees—a way of organizing a massive amount of data in a simpler way. Plasma enables the development of an unlimited number of side chains or smaller copies of the Ethereum network.

Examples of Layer 2 network
Now that you understand what Layer 2 scaling solutions are, let’s move on to its examples in the crypto space.

Bitcoin Lightning Network
The Bitcoin Lightning Network is a decentralized system that allows users to make instant, high-volume micropayments at lower costs. This payment protocol is among the widely used channels for quick and easy Bitcoin transactions.

Loopring uses open-source smart contracts from Ethereum to develop its own projects. It’s created to solve the challenges faced by centralized and decentralized exchanges, by allowing investors to store their investments in their own wallets while completing trades in a centralized way.

Polygon offers development in the security of the Ethereum network, as well as for the developers. It features tools utilized by developers to create optimized Ethereum-based technologies.

Optimism features improvements to the affordability of Ethereum transactions. Apart from that, Optimism also develops transaction speed for Ethereum users.

Beyond the second layer
Blockchain’s Layer 2 undeniably offers a lot of great benefits to the network it supports, as well as its users. As we’ve discovered earlier, the development of Layer 2 addresses the increasing load on different crypto networks, including that of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

As roads to crypto transactions open, more and more people will get to try their hands on the remarkable potential digital coins have to offer. It’ll be no surprise that soon, we might see other networks provide more accessible, faster, and cheaper crypto transactions in no time.



Everything You Need to Know About the Metaverse

Mark Zuckerberg recently shocked the world by introducing Meta—a rebranding of the Facebook Company, whose goal is to ultimately be seen as a metaverse company.

So what is Metaverse? In a nutshell, the Metaverse is a digital universe made up of interconnected spaces on the internet, filled with 3D customizable avatars that interact with the environment and each other.

It sounds promising when distilled into a single statement, but will this change the way we interact on a whole new level? Is this the next step for internet social connectivity? Let’s discuss what’s got everybody excited and explore what the Metaverse is, how it works, and what lies in its future.

Origins of the Metaverse
The idea of the Metaverse, as it is thought of now, was first mentioned in the sci-fi novel Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson. It was through this book that a lot of the tech industry’s giants found their direction, with Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg just two of the examples of those that were influenced by it.

The idea of virtual reality, though, existed even before that novel. In 1932, the first-ever mention of virtual realities was seen in The Theatre of Cruelty (First Manifesto) by Antonin Artaud.

Over the next few decades, the concept of virtual reality would be combined with theories of what computers might be able to accomplish.

How the Metaverse works

The Metaverse is the next step to all the developments in the augmented and virtual reality space—something we saw in the presentation given by Mark Zuckerberg where he showed us the potential these two technologies have. It aims to revolutionize how people meet, engage in social activities, and basically do most, if not all, the things they do in real life virtually. So what technologies are involved in making this possible?

Metaverse works by recreating and remodeling real-world things into a digital space that can connect different spaces, allowing people to explore unique yet familiar environments. Think of it as something similar to the world of the film Wreck-it Ralph 2 where different avatars are able to interact with each other and the environment.

That said, it should be understood that the Metaverse and all its potential developments rely on more than just AR and VR. Aside from these headset technologies, other technologies that have a role to play in the Metaverse are the following:

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)
With all the data that’s set to be collected and distributed across the Metaverse, developers will need to make use of A.I. and machine learning where they can.

A.I. and Machine Learning will help developers sort and apply data in batches and in real-time by teaching the software to organize and apply data where it might be needed. This is necessary if people want a seamless online experience for better immersion.

Data here doesn’t necessarily mean personal data. This could mean data from environmental sensors, data from population servers, and even data concerning who lives where and who owns what.

Internet of Things
The Internet of things (IoT) describes the network between devices within a locale, allowing them to communicate with each other through sensors and the internet. With IoT, people are able to control lights, air conditioning, and locks from their smartphones.

This technology can be appropriated in the Metaverse, letting the environment shift quickly according to real-world scenarios. Say there’s a storm in your area at the moment, Metaverse can take this into consideration and integrate it into your virtual environment. Shifting this technology to cater to the Metaverse is one way to improve immersion and the total experience.

3D modeling and reconstruction
Seeing as all this would be happening virtually, 3D modelers will have their work cut out for them. People should expect to see digital recreations of real-world structures in the Metaverse.

Both of these considerations are already progressing thanks to the developments in the video game industry. Unreal Engine 5, for example, is already allowing filmmakers to make use of 3D virtual environments to aid them in their work.

But that’s not to say that people had attempted to create their own Metaverse prior to today’s technology. As early as 2003, Linden Labs successfully created Second Life, an online Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) that allowed users to create avatars, shop, explore, and interact with one another.

How NFTs tie into the Metaverse
As people migrate to their online lives, they will need things inside their digital world to personalize their home or character. Can you see where this is going? Imagine, as you live a life in a digital suburb, your character will need clothes, a car, and decor to make it feel like an actual home.

This is where non-fungible tokens (NFTs) can come into play. Take Decentraland for example, a currently-operating online world where users can buy plots of land by buying them as NFTs. These NFTs, called MANA, act as proof of ownership thanks to the non-fungibility of NFTs.

Since NFTs can be assigned as tokens, this makes them ideal for digital assets that can be applied to Metaverse. This could become what we now have as certificates of ownership, doubling as a record of ownership. Even now, in the physical world, NFTs are already making artists money by helping them sell their art online.

This advantage with NFTs has already allowed projects like Built with NFT to gain traction. This project under the partnership of Built with Bitcoin (BWB) and Satoshibles is directing ETH towards humanitarian projects by selling NFTs produced by BWB students in Rwanda, Kenya, and Nigeria.

The current state of the Metaverse
The aforementioned Decentraland, as well as the Sandbox, are some of the more progressive Metaverse examples when it comes to integrating NFTs. In these games, users can mine, or add liquidity, to earn more coins all while playing and building. This money-making angle is what helps these games gain popularity.

That’s not even mentioning one of the most popular NFT-based games, Axie Infinity. With Axie Infinity’s model, players were able to sponsor other users to allow whole groups of players to invest and earn SLPs, AXS, and RON. In fact, they’re already developing their own Metaverse, one that includes Axie Land, digital property sold as NFTs.

Already, we are seeing more examples of this technology at play, with the simplest forms present in games like Animal Crossing: New Horizons and the most complex recently being demonstrated by Facebook and Microsoft.

Microsoft’s approach revolves around the workplace. With more offices adopting work from home (WFH) practices, developers are looking for ways people can efficiently meet online. Microsoft’s Metaverse would have office spaces recreated and reimagined digitally, allowing teams to get creative while improving productivity.

Facebook, meanwhile, would focus on the social networking aspect. Avatars are playfully animated, and customizability and interactivity take priority over other features, not that they’re lacking.

How to make money with Metaverse
Considering how we are only now talking about Metaverse and crypto as a large-scale operation, you can easily see how investing in it as soon as possible might be a great idea. Don’t worry though, considering how fresh so much of this is, you are bound to find an investment that interests you.

Traditional investors might prefer investing in the companies involved with the development of Metaverse technology. Understandably, Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ: FB) takes the lead after their demonstration. Another company to watch out for is Roblox (NYSE: RBLX) considering their current popularity for both young and old gamers.

Another way you can invest in Metaverse is by buying digital assets (like land) on the various Metaverse platforms. It’s similar to buying physical assets, but you can expect these to get a little confusing given how many platforms there are already. Safe choices would include Decentraland and The Sandbox, of course.

Future applications for the Metaverse
The world is on its toes waiting to see what the future holds for the Metaverse. That’s one side effect of the global pandemic we experienced—working from home, online meetings, and online seminars have become viable options for many companies.

The Metaverse’s social interaction aspect is another point to consider. With digital assets already becoming a profitable investment tool, we can expect our online social interactions to be filled with NFTs ready for us to invest or customize.
The bottom line here is simple—the Metaverse will happen, just as it was shown on the many examples and demonstrations. The only question is when will it happen and to what extent we can take our digital selves.



Как Paxful защищает ваши средства от мошенников

С мошенничеством сталкиваются компании любого размера. Даже в странах с процветающей экономикой всегда найдутся люди, которые пойдут на обман ради выгоды.

Paxful очень серьезно относится к вашей безопасности, поэтому мы хотим рассказать вам, что именно мы делаем для защиты ваших средств.

Paxful соблюдает законы
Раньше криптовалютный рынок называли “Диким западом”. Некоторые считают, что он так и остался диким, но на самом деле за последние несколько лет произошли большие перемены. В последнее время появились новые правила и регуляторные нормы в отношении биткоина, что повысило уровень безопасности криптоиндустрии.

Поскольку мы работаем в этой отрасли, мы следуем всем применимым законам и нормам. Именно поэтому мы соблюдаем строгую политику по борьбе с отмыванием денег и не можем обслуживать некоторые страны. У нас работают первоклассные специалисты по соответствию требованиям, благодаря которым наша финансовая платформа вносит свой вклад в обеспечение безопасности криптовалютной индустрии.

Как мы защищаем платформу
Мы с самого начала стараемся идентифицировать злоумышленников и расстроить их планы. Мы можем блокировать, автоматически блокировать, замораживать, банить аккаунты или временно приостанавливать их действие, что позволяет нам защитить наших пользователей от мошенников. Все эти ограничения отличаются в зависимости от ситуации.

Блокировка аккаунта
При блокировке аккаунта мы не допускаем пользователя к использованию аккаунта Paxful. Это означает, что мы обнаружили явное нарушение наших Условий предоставления услуг и посчитали, что аккаунт представляет угрозу для других пользователей. Внимательно читайте Условия предоставления услуг и честно выполняйте условия сделок, ведь блокировку аккаунта нельзя отменить.

Временная блокировка
Если же аккаунт заблокирован системой, обычно это временная мера. Это может произойти, когда пользователь входит в систему из нового места или когда мы обнаруживаем подозрительную активность. В таком случае мы временно блокируем аккаунт, пока не подтвердим личность владельца. Если вы обнаружили, что ваш аккаунт заблокирован системой, проверьте свою почту: там должно быть письмо со ссылкой для разблокировки аккаунта.

Заморозка аккаунта
Если аккаунт заморожен, пользователь временно не может совершать такие транзакции, как покупка, продажа или вывод средств. Если вам нужно разморозить аккаунт, проверьте свою почту: там должно быть письмо от Paxful. После этого свяжитесь с нами, и мы скажем, что делать дальше.

Бан аккаунта
Если аккаунт забанен, это значит, что пользователь больше не сможет покупать и продавать на нашей платформе. Однако владелец аккаунта может один раз вывести все средства с кошелька, переведя их на любой другой кошелек. Как и в случае блокировки аккаунта, бан нельзя отменить. Поэтому если вы хотите узнать, как разбанить аккаунт Paxful, мы вас огорчим: это невозможно.

Приостановление действия
Как и в случае с заморозкой аккаунта, аккаунты с приостановленным действием имеют ограничения в плане совершаемых транзакций, по крайней мере временно. По истечении определенного срока владелец аккаунта должен подтвердить свою личность, чтобы восстановить доступ.

Все эти ограничения помогают нам поддерживать безопасность платформы и держать мошенников на расстоянии.

Безопасность сделок
Налагая ограничения на подозрительные аккаунты, мы защищаем наших добросовестных пользователей от злоумышленников. Мошенники могут использовать несколько аккаунтов Paxful, предоставлять поддельные документы, открывать аккаунты в странах из черного списка OFAC и нарушать правила использования наших способов оплаты.

Как мы уже говорили, с мошенниками приходиться бороться всем, и Paxful не является исключением. Вы можете помочь нам в обнаружении опасных аккаунтов и обезопасить платформу. Обязательно сообщите нам, если ваш торговый партнер:
- Продает криптовалюту и просит вас отменить сделку после совершения вами оплаты
- Просит торговать без использования счета хранения и пытается общаться с вами по другим каналам
- Отменяет или возвращает свой платеж после его проведения
- Удерживает криптовалюту на счете хранения и не завершает сделку
- Продает одну и ту же подарочную карту несколько раз или продает использованные подарочные карты
- Убеждает вас немедленно выдать криптовалюту со счета хранения до завершения сделки
- Сообщайте нам о таких действиях, чтобы мы могли наложить ограничения на такие аккаунты и защитить вас.

Вы тоже можете помочь
Paxful прилагает все усилия в борьбе за вашу безопасность. Мы никогда не отступим, но это не значит, что вы не можете участвовать.

Если вы заметите нарушения наших Условий предоставления услуг, немедленно сообщите нам об этом. Мы также будем рады выслушать ваши отзывы и предложения по поводу того, как можно сделать нашу платформу еще безопаснее.

С мошенниками бороться нелегко, но они не всесильны. Если мы будем сохранять бдительность и действовать заодно, мы победим. Давайте вместе работать над тем, чтобы криптовалюта была безопасной для всех!



Have NFTs finally arrived in the world of Bitcoin?
Over the past few years, we’ve seen huge surges and dips in the popularity of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). However, since the technology behind those assets was locked behind a different blockchain, it left some Bitcoiners looking for more. Thanks to a new development in the Bitcoin community—Bitcoin Ordinals—NFTs in the world of Bitcoin are now a reality.

What is a Bitcoin Ordinal?
In January 2023, a software engineer named Casey Rodarmor launched the Ordinals Protocol as part of the Taproot Upgrade, which allowed users to inscribe satoshis on the Bitcoin network with NFTs. These NFTs could be images, text, audio, and video.

Imagine having two 10-dollar bills. Each of those bills is unique in the sense that they each have their own serial code. However, despite them being unique, you could still use either bill interchangeably to purchase a good or service at a store. Now, imagine having one of those bills autographed by one of the biggest musicians or athletes in the world. That bill then becomes kind of like a collectible. You could still use either to buy a good or service at a store, but the autographed bill is now worth more because of the signature on it.

Ordinals are similar in the sense that you could inscribe new data onto an existing satoshi, which will effectively turn it into a collectible that can be uniquely identified by its version of a “serial code.”

How are Ordinals different from NFTs?

Although the two share similarities, Ordinals and NFTs have some key differences:

Different platforms
Ordinals only exist on the Bitcoin blockchain, meaning anyone with access to the blockchain can verify the inscriptions on satoshis. NFTs, on the other hand, exist on various blockchains like Ethereum or Solana.
One of the biggest differences between the two is that Bitcoin Ordinals cannot be changed once they’re inscribed—they’re permanently recorded and can never be altered. Although some NFTs can be completely immutable, some allow for changes or modifications.
Ordinals store their metadata—information like proof of ownership or description of the asset—directly on Bitcoin transactions. On the other hand, NFTs have their metadata stored on a separate file that represents the content of the asset. Although both sets of data are similar, where they’re stored makes all the difference—Ordinals are seen to be more secure and transparent.
With the Ordinals protocol only being launched a few months ago (at the time of writing), the market for these collectibles is much younger, with only a few specialized platforms that allow you to buy and sell them. In contrast, NFTs have been around for much longer and offer a wide range of marketplaces for buying and selling.
The pros and cons of Bitcoin Ordinals

Just like anything else in the cryptocurrency space, Bitcoin ordinals have their pros and cons. Let’s start with the pros:

The potential to attract new users
The NFT boom taught us that there are people out there that love buying, selling, trading, and collecting these assets online. With Bitcoin Ordinals coming onto the scene, the Bitcoin community now has a direct line to these collectibles as well as the ability to capture market share from other chains and pull their value into Bitcoin.
More security for the network
Ordinals will require people to pay fees for inscriptions, transactions, and the use of additional space. Although that may not be the best news for everyone, it means that the miners are more incentivized to verify and secure the network—especially as more halvings split their rewards for newly-minted blocks.
Acceleration of second-layer adoption
If higher fees are a result of Ordinals, people will look for cheaper alternatives for their every transaction. This might encourage them to explore second-layer options like the Lightning Network—the more people adopt these types of solutions, the more improvements and developments we’ll see along the way.

Now let’s take a look at the cons:

Costs for block space
As we mentioned earlier, the inscribed satoshis are going to be taking up block space, which could possibly bloat the chain and make things harder for those who want to make on-chain transactions. It’s also worth noting that Ordinals are immutable, meaning people who want extra hard drive space will have to fork out more satoshis.
More speculation
The introduction of Ordinals to the cryptocurrency space has led to a lot of popular NFT projects (such as CryptoPunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club) making their way into Bitcoin. This may cause more capital flowing into these types of assets instead of storing the value in Bitcoin.

Effects on satoshi fungibility
Inscribing a satoshi with a digital asset’s metadata splits the use case of a satoshi. Before, all satoshis were equal and each could be swapped for any other on any layer. Ordinals change this dynamic by adding data, altering the value of some satoshis compared to others, and encouraging people to pay for some satoshis above market value—splitting them into two groups: collectible satoshis and standard satoshis, which could ultimately affect its fungibility.

Are Ordinals good for Bitcoin?

The truth is, we don’t know yet. Bitcoin Ordinals have caused a heated debate in the Bitcoin community: should Bitcoin’s main purpose be financial transactions or should we be using it also as a secure and decentralized network for data?

In any case, the Ordinals protocol has introduced an interesting development into the world of Bitcoin. The technology is still new, so we’ll all have to wait and see how things develop in this space.



Doing the right thing: Refunding Paxful Earn users

Last year Celsius announced they were filing for bankruptcy, and as a result, Paxful users were unable to access their funds in Paxful Earn.

The collapse hurt countless users and damaged trust in our industry. Paxful, like many others, was paralyzed to act as we could not retrieve funds held by Celsius. Another hit came when the courts ruled that Celsius Earn Accounts belonged to Celsius’ bankruptcy estate, not to its users.

This didn’t sit right with me then, and it still doesn’t sit right with me today. Bitcoin is a tool for wealth preservation, and for many, this was money they depended on for their future. Earning your trust is an absolute honor and it’s a responsibility that I take very seriously.

That’s why I’m happy to announce that I’ve personally taken action and will be refunding all affected Paxful users—Celsius funds will be available in Paxful Wallet later this week.

Bitcoin is building a better financial system for the 100%—but in order to rebuild this, we all need to hold ourselves to a higher standard. That means offering transparency and putting users above financial gain—always.



Что такое программа Paxful Trader?

Программа Paxful Trader предлагает эксклюзивные привилегии активным и добросовестным пользователям нашей платформы. В программе два уровня: опытный трейдер и трейдер-эксперт.

Каковы преимущества программы Paxful Trader?

Опытный трейдер
- Значок в профиле
- Приоритетный доступ к новым функциям
- Возможность открывать споры сразу
- Сделки с оплатой подарочными картами без залога
- Приоритетная поддержка

- Значок в профиле
- Приоритетный доступ к новым функциям
- Рекомендованные предложения (опция доступна участникам с личным менеджером)
- Продвижение предложений по продаже (опция доступна участникам с личным менеджером)
- Возможность открывать споры сразу
- Сделки с оплатой подарочными картами без залога
- Приоритетная поддержка
- Личный менеджер по работе с клиентами (временно приостановлено)
- Индивидуальные комиссии (временно приостановлено)

Каковы требования к участию в программе Paxful Trader?

Опытный трейдер
- Вы должны соблюдать Условия предоставления услуг
- Аккаунт должен быть зарегистрирован не менее 90 дней назад
- Вы должны подтвердить свою личность и адрес
- Высокие показатели по поведению*
- Не менее 250 сделок каждые 90 дней**

- Вы должны соблюдать Условия предоставления услуг
- Аккаунт должен быть зарегистрирован не менее 90 дней назад
- Вы должны подтвердить свою личность и адрес
- Высокие показатели по поведению*
- Не менее 1000 сделок каждые 90 дней**
*На Paxful надлежащее поведение подразумевает честное выполнение условий сделки, своевременную выдачу криптовалюты, торговлю только на платформе и т. д. Чтобы узнать больше о правилах поведения на платформе, посмотрите наши Условия предоставления услуг.

**В программе Paxful Trader учитываются только сделки на сумму не менее 20 USD.

Как узнать, отвечает ли мой аккаунт требованиям для участия в программе Paxful Trader?
Если вы отвечаете требованиям, вы получите уведомление в вашем аккаунте Paxful. Мы также отправим письмо на адрес, привязанный к вашему аккаунту Paxful.

Я отвечаю всем требованиям. Как получить значок в аккаунте?
Отличный вопрос! Если вы совершили необходимое количество сделок и у вас хорошая репутация, вы можете связаться с нашей службой поддержки. Наши специалисты проверят ваш аккаунт и добавят значок, если он отвечает всем требованиям. Как только у вас появится значок, вы сможете пользоваться всеми привилегиями программы!

Я заключил необходимое количество сделок. Почему в моем профиле нет значка?
Под заключением сделок мы подразумеваем покупку И продажу криптовалюты на нашей платформе. Если вы только покупаете или только продаете криптовалюту, вы не сможете участвовать в программе Paxful Trader. Однако если вы покупаете и продаете криптовалюту, но у вас до сих пор нет значка, свяжитесь с нашей службой поддержки, чтобы получить значок.

Могу ли я потерять свой статус в программе Paxful Trader?
Да, это возможно. Аккаунты регулярно проверяются, поэтому вы должны отвечать всем требованиям на продолжении 90-дневного периода, если хотите сохранить свой статус в программе Paxful Trader. Вы также можете потерять статус, если нарушите наши Условия предоставления услуг и/или требования соответствия.



Сейчас сами учимся работать с криптовалютой. Сейчас тут https://bitcoin2litecoin.com/best-antid … s-android/ смотрим новости о новых курсах по биткоинам. Смотрим куда их лучше нам вкладывать. Пока изучаем детальнее данный вопрос.


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