Found that many of the regulars Club of private investors prefer to invest small sums "in itself." We tried to understand what it means, and found that most are inclined to the following:
education, new skills,
strengthen family ties - a pleasant surprise, many people prefer to spend money on gifts, joint leisure activities, etc.
medicine, including dentistry and surgery for vision correction
physical shape - fitness regime, proper nutrition,
Appearance - plastic
new experiences: travel, tourism, extreme,
Bole favorable living conditions: (not talking about buying a house in a clean area, and so decisions involving considerable outlay) water filters, air purification systems, etc.
Knowledge and skills
Many successful investors know that in addition to investment in securities of gold and other assets necessarily need to invest in yourself. We live in an age when to make good money, you need to constantly improve their effectiveness. But this requires knowledge, and the ability to use all the time cultivators tools and technologies.
Unfortunately, such information can not fully get into school, university and other educational institutions. Special knowledge relating to a particular type of activity a person must produce itself. Read books, learn video and audio courses, attend seminars, etc. And as you know, useful information is worth the money. Therefore, some portion of their funds have to invest in the improvement of their professional skills and increase personal effectiveness.
It is unlikely that someone will be able to enjoy the wealth, if she lose because of it's health. Many business people are putting themselves at risk. Usually they are too busy to devote enough time healthy lifestyle. Although just in this area need to invest all, and not only money but also time. The first thing you should pay attention - this is quality food. It should be remembered that a full meal, which is a bit expensive cheeseburger with fries, can be considered a good investment in yourself.
For such investments also include sports. Sport can deliver us from many of the problems and of the extra financial cost as well. You can play sports on their own, but it is better to enroll in a gym or sports section. If you will attend classes regularly, it will not really hurt, and thus save on expensive drugs, and thus return the money or part of the money spent to pay for the subscription. Besides, you will always be under the supervision of a coach or instructor, in order to avoid injuries and improve the effectiveness of training. Also in the gym, you can find like-minded people and make the necessary for your business communications. As you can see, neglect similar kind of investment is not worth it.
Try to see your doctor regularly and monitor your health. Remember that prevention is always much cheaper than the treatment of advanced disease. Moreover, most diseases are treated quickly and easily in the early stages. Those little money that you invest to meet the prevention repeatedly returned to you in the future.
Monitor your wardrobe. Whatever it was, meet on clothes. Need to buy the most stylish and branded items. It is possible to do a simple yet high-quality clothing. Also do not need to buy cheap things. If you think they look at you is quite normal, remember, rich people know the price of each product, and easily determine how much is your shirt. Good clothes means a lot. She is able to give you more confidence, and can help you attract the attention of successful people that will open up new opportunities.