But now players should be able to advance without event XP thanks to how the track is going to be revised. The XP requirements for the rewards track will be reduced by WOTLK Gold 37,000 XP, which is almost 20%. The devs hope that this will make the mid-to-late levels of the pass more accessible and that it will fix the event XP miscalculations. Players' earned XP totals will remain the same after these changes, so you may find you have more progress than last time you logged in once these changes go live.

Finally, the new version of the rewards track is taking on gold. Levels twenty seven and thirty of the pass are getting an additional 50 gold each in an effort to make their rewards feel less underwhelming. Gold is also being split between all of the bonus levels players can access after completing the first fifty Tavern Pass levels so it won't take as long to earn gold between play sessions.

Other changes have the potential to arise in the future as fans check out the new tweaks, but for now, this is what players can expect while navigating the Tavern Pass in the near future.

The card pool for Duels will alternate between seasons, featuring a collection of previous and recent expansions. The first is themed after a mage competition at Scholomance Academy, so it will feature the card pools from Scholomance, Curse of Naxxramas, One Night in Karazhan, and the Classic and Basic sets.

The structure of Duels is borrowed largely from Arena. You'll play a series of matches against human opponents, aiming for a maximum of 12 wins before you accrue three losses buy WOW WOTLK Classic Gold. You can buy into a Heroic Duel for 150 Gold or a Tavern ticket, just like the Arena mode, and you'll gain greater rewards for more wins in a run. Unlike Arena, though, you'll be able to play Duels for free if you want to just play the mode casually with no rewards on the line.