As with any free-to-play experience, there have been concerns over how Blizzard is monetizing the game. There will be a paid battle pass as well as premium cosmetics D2R Items which are par-for-the-course in a live-service live game that is free and almost expected at this moment. However gamers are more concerned about items that can be purchased using real money, which is known as Legendary Crests.

These items, which based on the Diablo Immortal beta, offered those who bought them a significantly easier and greater chance of getting the game's most rare and powerful treasures than players who are free to play, have led certain players to raise the "pay for the chance to win" alarm. Burgess did not discuss the issue specifically but said the goal is to ensure that the game is fun for everyone regardless of whether the player has spent money or not.

"Going forward, I tried the beta without having to spend one cent," Burgess said. "There were a few members of the team who played the beta because we wanted to see what the experience was like. In addition, I can say that I was in a great Dark House in the Shadows I kept up with World Paragon.

L was competitive in PvP. I would often win the MVP award. This is why we're doing everything to ensure the game is fun for everyone. When we make a purchase we're looking to make sure that it's worth the money. This is the main goal we have on that side."

The entire Diablo Immortal game content is free and it will expand into new zones, classes and dungeons , which will be added after launch. For those who don't wish to spend a dime it's possible to get a battle pass that gives lots of rewards in form of currency, items, and upgrade materials. Additionally, there were plenty of ideas that weren't made in Diablo Immortal at launch, Burgess stated, and could be added to the game with no cost in the future updates.

"We're going to continue to release content on a regular cadence," Burgess said. "Our target is to release new content every couple of months we'll be releasing either a new dungeon , or zone. Along with that comes brand new story content that players can play through." According to Burgess the main campaign in the beginning will take about 20 hours to be completed.

How Diablo Immortal can make it to the line of walking the line between a genuine Diablo experience and a free-to-play MMO remains to be seen, but Burgess thinks gamers will be awed by the scope that is Diablo Immortal along with its place within the series.

"It's an experience that is like a classic d2r items buy one," Burgess said. "It's dark, gritty. It's going to be a delight for all the Diablo players who loved getting afraid of dungeons crawls, they'll love it. However, it's also an easy game to play for those who've not played an Diablo game before."

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