The most profitable investment, according to many experts - an investment in real estate. Many people have their money (savings and savings) deduct the pension fund in the hope that the state will pay them in the future a good pension. This is most likely never will be. Just look at today's pensioners. Living, penny think it's good if there are children and help, somehow, and if you are all alone and no one do not need in this world. Therefore, it is believed to live to old age and did not live on a pension, better take care of this in advance, so that later in the future, do not bite your elbows.

How and where you can invest money in order not to burn
Buying Property - perfect! If you have the amount of at least 2 million. Rubles (approx. 70 - 80 thousand. $) And in the apartment is not enough, take out a mortgage, you will pay fabulous interest, it's not profitable, but you can buy a room in the apartment and if there is a place to live, then to lease it.

First, do not burn through the money invested, and may also be obtained from this income in the form of rent.

Secondly, buying now room for 2 million rubles in, say 5 years, it is already going to cost more of the purchase price.

For five years, at the same time make a profit, adding the money, you can put it in the bank at interest. And after 5 years, if all goes well - it will be possible to buy an apartment, even a one-bedroom.

If even a little bit is not enough, you can take the credit, but it will be a small amount and interest, respectively, are not so high, well, that was what they pay again to take an apartment for rent, possibly within a year, it will be possible to pay this small loan.

Then again taking a loan against that apartment, bought, buy the room, paid from the money they receive from renting apartments. After some time to repay the loan.

Thus, it may take a lot of time, you are no longer young, and it's time to retire. You rent this apartment and the room, while they themselves are leaving the village, shooting a cheap house, you can even live for free, many are allowed in the house, because they live in the cities, and need child care home. Well, in general, live in his pleasure. Periodically, you need to go to their lodgers for the money, well, at the same time, to visit their relatives. Make sure to take into account that this is one of the best options where to invest, not to burn. Thanks to him, you can ensure a decent old age.