Perhaps the most pressing issues in the financial sector were also there will be questions on investment. Where to invest money, it is better to invest in, what are the kinds of investments - eternal torment financiers and private investors. But this time, the market offers an extensive list of possibilities for investment.

Types of private investment
Investing in precious metals

Probably the most ancient way of making profit. Such investments have a good quality - stability. Prices of precious metals are easy to predict. And over time, they only grow. The other side of the coin - a relatively long time required to obtain a good income. The minimum period of investment in this niche is about 5 years. Yet, this kind of investment refers to the long-term.

The rate on bank deposits

It is certainly the most famous and popular form of investment for private investors. Its main drawback is the low profitability, but it is one of the safest ways to invest. It is not difficult to see some consistency. Strong banks offer lower interest rates than their counterparts who are not so stable.

Purchase of securities

One of the most lucrative, but risky ways to invest money. It is very effective when you buy stocks, bonds or even any securities for a long time. But when purchasing a small row can also hit the jackpot.

Real estate investment

Now the object of investing a little lost popularity. Blame is the economic crisis, during which property prices have fallen sharply and are in a very unstable state.

Asset management (DM)

Though the latter kind of private investment in our list, but not the last in the financial plan of the private investor. Now more and more people rely on the issue of investing their money to professionals in economic matters. Anyway, this is the right thing for people without experience in the financial environment.