Trust is an important factor in ranking. The more credibility to your site, the better it is ranked on Google. Today, a look at some highlights increasing confidence in your site by Google.

There are several signs that search engines use for a long time to verify:

Backlinks - sites link to your website greatly increase the confidence criterion to your resource. But there is one "but" - links from low quality sites (eg profiles) do not have a positive impact on your site, but links from authoritative resources, on the contrary, increase the credibility of your site.
Links to other sites - if your site contains many links to sites that do not belong to you, it could have a negative impact on the credibility of your site. The same applies to the broken links of your website (if you have a blog into WordPress, use the search plugin broken links - Broken Link Checker).
Pages with no errors - search engines reduce the credibility of your site if it contains a lot of mistakes. Pages of your site must not contain broken links or missing images. Spelling, by the way, can also be a sign of low quality site.
The number of visitors will also affect the trust factor (in principle owners SOM sites in any case seek to do, the rest spit on visits and trade in different sapah). To know the number of visitors using the statistics Liveinternet, Google Analytics, etc.
Nice and clear navigation allows you to easily find the pages and navigate the site, too, is an indicator of a good site. In addition, good site structure allows search engines to better index the pages of your site.
Among the new features of trust to your site include:

Mentions in social networks - the more often your website is mentioned in Twitter, Facebook, Google+, FaceBook and other social sites - the more credibility your site (Here, too, the real important references from real people, such as twitter account which is replete with references to a other resources, and does not lead 'social life in the network "is unlikely to benefit, but rather may have a negative effect).
Confirmation of authorship: the confirmation page author's profile in Google+, which has a good reputation, can get better ranking on Google.