In today's small article we will list the types of SEO specialists. They can be divided into three groups of White Hat SEO, Black Hat SEO and Grey Hat SEO.

White Hat SEO - is a group of SEOs that use search engine optimization techniques approved by the search engines. They are guided by principles that are accepted by the search engines. Some of these methods:

Using a 301 redirect;
Link building methods do not use spamnye (directories, forums, comments, etc.);
Improving the structure and availability of information on the site;
Reducing the loading time of the site;
Use of content for people, not search engine spiders;
Avoiding the use of hidden text;
Avoiding the use of hidden links;
Avoiding the use of stock options and share links;
Using high-quality and fresh content;
Using the sitemap.xml and robots.txt;
and etc.
Black Hat SEO - is SEOs using spam techniques that are not approved by the search engines. These SEO professionals ignore the principles described in the manual search engines. Techniques Black Hat SEOs in many ways the opposite of the above methods:

Using hidden links;
Cheating from search engines by cloaking;
Link building is not a natural way through the purchase of exchange links;
Using excessive forwarding;
Link Interchange;
Poor quality links;
and etc.
Grey Hat SEO - SEOs using both methods described above. So to say the golden mean.